
Bloomfield Hills Schools Collective Bargaining Agreement

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Bloomfield Hills Schools Collective Bargaining Agreement: What You Need to Know

The Bloomfield Hills Schools Collective Bargaining Agreement is an essential document that governs the relationship between teachers and the school district. This agreement outlines the terms and conditions of employment, including salaries, benefits, and working conditions. If you are a teacher in the Bloomfield Hills Schools district or plan to work there, it is crucial to understand the collective bargaining agreement and what it means for you.

Salaries and Benefits

One of the most significant aspects of the collective bargaining agreement is the salaries and benefits offered to teachers. The agreement outlines the salary schedule based on years of experience and education level. The district also offers a comprehensive benefits package, including health insurance, dental insurance, life insurance, and retirement plans.

Working Conditions

The collective bargaining agreement also covers the working conditions for teachers. This includes the number of hours teachers are expected to work, class sizes, and the amount of preparation time provided. The agreement also outlines the procedures for handling grievances and disputes between teachers and the district.

Professional Development

The district is committed to providing professional development opportunities for teachers to improve their skills and knowledge. The collective bargaining agreement provides for ongoing professional development opportunities, including workshops, seminars, and training programs.

Union Representation

The Bloomfield Hills Education Association (BHEA) is the exclusive representative for teachers in the district. The collective bargaining agreement guarantees union representation for teachers and outlines the procedures for addressing union-related issues.


The Bloomfield Hills Schools Collective Bargaining Agreement is a vital document that outlines the terms and conditions of employment for teachers in the district. By understanding the agreement, teachers can ensure they receive fair compensation, benefits, and working conditions. The district and the teachers` union are committed to working together to create a supportive and collaborative environment that benefits students and teachers alike.