
Uft Atr Agreement

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The United Federation of Teachers (UFT) is the largest teachers` union in New York City. The union represents more than 200,000 members, including teachers, guidance counselors, school nurses, and other professionals working in New York City public schools.

One of the most important agreements that the UFT has negotiated with the New York City Department of Education (DOE) is the UFT-DOE Agreement for Teacher and School Staff Performance Reviews. The agreement, commonly referred to as the UFT ATR agreement, governs how teachers and other school staff are evaluated and rated.

The UFT ATR agreement was first signed in 2012, and has been revised and updated several times over the years. The most recent version of the agreement was signed in 2018.

Under the UFT ATR agreement, each teacher and school staff member is evaluated based on a set of criteria that includes classroom management, instructional effectiveness, and leadership and collaboration. The evaluation process involves classroom observations by supervisors and feedback from students and parents.

One of the most significant aspects of the UFT ATR agreement is its provisions for teachers who are designated as “absent teacher reserves” (ATRs). ATRs are teachers who have lost their regular teaching positions due to school closures, budget cuts, or other reasons. They remain on the DOE payroll and are required to report to work each day, but they are not assigned to a specific school or classroom.

Under the UFT ATR agreement, ATRs are guaranteed placement in a permanent teaching position within their license area or a related area, within the same borough, if they have not found a regular position after two hiring rounds. The agreement also requires schools to interview and consider ATRs when filling vacant teaching positions.

The UFT ATR agreement has been controversial, with some critics arguing that it provides job security for teachers who are not performing well and hinders efforts to improve the quality of education in New York City public schools. However, supporters of the agreement argue that it ensures fair treatment and job security for experienced teachers who have fallen victim to school closures and budget cuts.

In conclusion, the UFT ATR agreement is a crucial component of the relationship between the UFT and the New York City Department of Education. It establishes clear guidelines for evaluating and rating teachers and other school staff, and provides important job security for teachers who have been displaced due to school closures or budget cuts. While the agreement has been controversial, it remains an important tool for ensuring that New York City`s public schools provide high-quality education to all students.