
Verisign Cooperative Agreement

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Verisign Cooperative Agreement: What You Need to Know

Verisign is a well-known company that specializes in domain name registry services. In fact, Verisign is the registry operator for two of the most popular top-level domains (TLDs) in the world – .com and .net. Recently, Verisign was granted a renewal of its cooperative agreement with the United States Department of Commerce. This agreement outlines the terms and conditions under which Verisign operates the .com and .net registries. So what does this mean for website owners and online businesses? Let`s take a closer look.

The Cooperative Agreement

The cooperative agreement between Verisign and the United States Department of Commerce was first established in 2012. The agreement outlines the terms and conditions under which Verisign operates the .com and .net registries. The purpose of the agreement is to ensure the stability, security, and reliability of the internet`s domain name system (DNS).

The agreement is set to expire in November 2024, but Verisign was granted a renewal for an additional eight years. This means that Verisign will continue to operate the .com and .net registries until at least 2032. The renewal of the agreement comes with some changes, including the removal of pricing restrictions on .com domain names.

Pricing Changes

One of the most significant changes to the Verisign cooperative agreement is the removal of pricing restrictions on .com domain names. Previously, Verisign was only allowed to increase the price of .com domain names by a maximum of 7% per year. However, with the renewal of the cooperative agreement, Verisign can now raise prices as much as it wants. This has caused some concern among website owners and online businesses, as it could lead to increased costs for domain registrations and renewals.

Impact on SEO

The changes to the Verisign cooperative agreement are unlikely to have a significant impact on SEO. However, it is important to note that the removal of pricing restrictions on .com domain names could lead to an increase in domain squatting and cybersquatting. These practices involve registering domains that are similar to existing brands or trademarks in the hopes of profiting from them.

It is important for businesses to monitor their brand and trademark usage and take action to protect themselves from domain squatting and cybersquatting. This may involve registering multiple variations of their domain name, monitoring domain registrations, and taking legal action if necessary.


The renewal of the Verisign cooperative agreement has caused some concerns among website owners and online businesses. The removal of pricing restrictions on .com domain names could lead to increased costs for domain registrations and renewals. However, the changes are unlikely to have a significant impact on SEO. It is important for businesses to monitor their brand and trademark usage and take action to protect themselves from domain squatting and cybersquatting.